Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I have nothing to say

I have wasted much of my afternoon and much of last evening reading blogs. I found them all at the only blog I read regularly Some of the people who post comments have their blogs linked and I checked a few of them out, and by "a few" I mean probably as many as 30. I know, I know the laundry needs to be done and supper needed to be made and lots of other things were being neglected, but I started to enjoy peering into the lives of others. Hey, they invited me to do so. I am happy to say that my life isnt terribly exciting on an every day basis, and I like it that way, but there are some things that just beg to be shared. I thought I would try this format out and see if it works for me.

I have debated several times with myself about starting a blog and I dont know why this time is any different. I have questioned whether I would keep up with it, or whether anyone would read it, what Voice" I should use, whether I would actually journal or write as if there is an audience. I think I will let it take on a life of its own. If anyone does read this, dont expect to be fact this might just become the place I make my list of things to do, or where I spend a little quiet time reflecting on things. That is not to say that I wont use this to document some of the things that my children say and do, since that is what happens in my life everyday.

I picked the title without much thought behind it. I didn't think I had it in me to be clever or punny or wise, so I used a phrase that I need to realize daily. I think I get bogged down sometimes and feel so busy that I think I need more time for myself. I don't. I need more time for God. I forget to give Him credit for all that I am and all that I have. I forget to thank Him for the blessings in my life. I frequently see things in my daily life that are from God, and I recognize it in a passing moment, but I do not take time to really recognize that He is reaching out to me. I hope to be able to fill my thoughts and actions with the Love of God, that my family will beneift from this.

On that note, I need to go love the laundry situation into some sort of order. After all, it is going to be bedtime soon, and my bed is under the laundry. As my friend Julia would say...OIY!

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