Are you kidding me? How do you get to be a college graduate and not know the meaning of this? I am frustrated because there are so many things I want to accomplish and others are looking for things to do to fill their time to keep from getting bored. Get a job. I had a paper route at the age of 10 (I think) and then got a real job at 15 on a worker's permit. I felt the need to have cash and to pay for some things for myself. I have worked ever since then. I dont remember a period of time that I didn't have a job. How am I going to teach my children to be self sufficient and hard working? How am I going to make sure they understand the value of working to earn something rather than being handed everything? How will I balance my need to provide for them and their need to have to fight for things for themselves? I want them to learn the word "entitled" after they move out of my house.
Can I teach this to a college graduate or is it too late? She isn't mine, so is it really my place? Will it work if all her needs are met by her parents? Why am I so concerned about her success? She can find her own way in the world and I could just shut-up, but something makes me open my mouth and offer unsolicted advice. Is there a point to all this?
I pray that I will parent my children well and that they will grow to understand the ways of the world when I can still protect them somehow.
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